English Nederlands 
Truckrun 2024!

Click here!

Street Parade!

Click here!

Truckrun 2022!

Click here!

One week after the Flower Parade there was another truckrun. I'm late uploading the pictures, but now they're here:

Click here!
101 pictures covering the next Flower Parade:Click here!
The Rotary has been organising rope pulling contests periodically and this time I was there to register the event.

Click here!
Picking up some shooting again with this year's Search and Rescue event.
Unfortunately, there has been a severe lack of activity from me lately. But I'm not all gone. There are two new regular specials: Flower Parade 2016 and Truckrun 2016.

Who knows, when the children grow up I might pick things up more again...

In addition to some specials, I have added two night pictures. The first is the very first test shot I made with my home brewed Scotch Mount. I'm hoping to get some serious night sky shots in with the help of this tool.
Liberation Day! Pictures in a new special!
It's that time of year. First the Flower Parade, and now the Truckrun!
Something appears to have happened. Oh yes, it's a change of URL. The former location, dvdpimages.com, is down since a few days now. I didn't like the name because I had to spell it out to everyone I told about it, and even then they'd probably not remember. This one should be easier.

I've added a new special, another Flower Parade. It's the 2014 edition from Rijnsburg!
It's been a while, but something new is up: The Flower Parade Bollenstreek 2014
As promised, the truckrun edition 2013 has been added. With only little delay this time.


Another Flower Parade has been added to the specials.

Click here for the new special.

P.S. the next truckrun will be next Saturday. Pictures should follow soon after if all goes well.

The yearly Search and Rescue demonstrations have been in town again.

Click here for the new special.

Today there has been a rowing contest, organised by the Rotary. I've been there for some action shots.

Check out the new special.

Truckrun! Need I say more?

Here it is.

Edit 20-08-2012: I've added some long overdue pictures in the standard sections. Be sure to check out Macro, Night and Miscellaneous!

Another special has been added. It's a yearly one, which you may not have been expecting until August, but it happened a bit earlier this year:

Search and Rescue 2012
An update! Pictures! Married life takes some time, plus it was wintertime. Photography fell into a little dip. But now there is something new added. A special: Rabo Streetparade 2012. Perhaps more will be added soon somewhere. I should have a few overdue shots lying around somewhere...
Major update! For the past few days I've been working on enhancing the website. And here's the result.
Important changes are:

- New buttons, hopefully you think they look better than before.
- Tooltips for most links. If there are any missing, don't hesitate to inform me.
- Language selection now in one click.
- New: Slideshow feature. Click on the slideshow button at each image.
- Some code enhancements.
- Many pictures removed. Only the best remain. All remaining pictures, except specials, have been reprocessed. It's worth viewing everything again.

22-07-2011, yet more updates and fixes:

- Missing stereograms button at the top bar added.
- Normal links now lead to the first picture in the gallery. Click on 'latest update' to go to the latest additions.
- Buttons now have labels.
- Small enhancements and bug fixes.

Enjoy the site. If anything's amiss, please contact me: dirk@dvdpimages.com.
Yes, it's another special! Keep Them Rolling! Not just the specials, but also the old World War II vehicles, rolling by that name.

Click here to watch.
One time it's not much. The other you get several specials in short order. This time it's another flower parade.

Click here to watch.
There haven't been many pictures last winter. So little time, so much to do. But sometimes the things that must be done can be combined with the pleasantries. And behold: a new special! This time the subject is:

Come to the Greenhouse

Enjoy watching, and who knows maybe you'll have a look as well next year.
Oh boy, am I behind on schedule. So many pictures, so little time to put them online. But there is also good news! I am mostly done now with the pictures, presenting you with not one, not two, but three new specials!

Check out the Specials page to see.

The yearly flower parade has been driving through town again last Saturday. The new special on this is now available.

Click here to go there.
A new special! This time it's all about balloons.

Check it out right here!

The 5th of May. On that day The Netherlands celebrate their liberation from Germany after the Second World War. This year was the 65th anniversary, as well as the 100th anniversary of the local Oranjevereniging, the organisation that organises all these events. As a result, festivities were done on a big scale. I've been out to shoot the three major events of the day.

First off there is a show by the group called 'Keep Them Rolling'. This organisation strives to keep old army vehicles in a rolling condition. They are shown off at appropriate events, like Liberation Day.

In the afternoon there was the main event: the Liberation Parade, showing off old and new army material, many marching bands, and most importantly: veterans who fought for our freedom in WW2, as well as younger veterans who fought for safety and freedom in other nations. They are honoured during this parade.

Finally, in the evening there was a grand Tattoo: five top-of-the-world marching bands performing their show.

That's a lot of activities. And it resulted in lots of pictures as well. I have broken my record: this is the biggest special I've ever made so far.

Go to the Liberation Day special.

Queens Day in the Netherlands! And on this occasion I went out and shot some of the local festivities.

Click here to see the result.

Spring has arrived! As well as an ash cloud from Iceland. These things tend to alter sunsets somewhat, sometimes make them more spectacular. So I've been out there to shoot some. One shot for Animals, one for Miscellaneous and the rest goes into Landscapes. Enjoy.

Update 17-04-2010: Spring shots added to Macro and Stereograms.

It's winter! And there's been a lot of snow recently. More snowy pictures can now be found in the Miscellaneous section.
And I've also added some Stereograms.
It's autumn! Of course this season offers some fine colours in nature. So I went out for some of that. Check out the Macro and Miscellaneous sections!

Update 20-10-2009:
I've reconverted the RAW files of the latest macro additions.They should look quite a bit better now.

The improved website has been further improved. I've made the navigational tools and some texts brighter. This should make it easier to find everything.

Wait a minute, this is not what you expected to see when you entered that URL, or came in through your favourites.
Did you enter the URL wrongly perhaps? No, no you didn't. I've given the site a little bit of a makeover. Had to learn PHP and MySQL to get it done, but it was well worth it.

Oh, and while you're busy checking out all that fancy new stuff, don't forget to stop by the latest special!

P.S.: If you want to view the website in Dutch, your browser must accept cookies. (It's just a little one for the language selection.)

Update 19-08-2009: I've added a site information page. It contains all you need to know about this website.
Update 22-08-2009: The yearly Truckrun special has been added! Click here to see it!
Update 24-08-2009: Fixed a compatibility issue with older browsers.

The first Saturday of August. We have a tradition then. Yes, it's the yearly Search and Rescue demonstrations! A new special is ready:


And yes, the truckrun is coming soon. In three weeks if I'm not mistaken. So keep an eye on it.
Maybe I should write something new here for a change. There have been a few updates by now, but nothing really much unfortunately. But summer holidays will start next month, maybe I'll get some more time in to shoot pictures for the site.

I just uploaded a few birds from a show I was at last Saturday - Click!
After hours, days, weeks, months of hard labour it's finally there. It started small. Just a new picture on the 'About Me' page. Kind of got out of hand. You may have noticed by now.
The first thing you'll notice is the improved appearance of course. But there's more. The navigational bar has been shortened and the removed links (copyright / notes) can now be found elsewhere, in less obvious places. Also I've tweaked some things here and there.
And not unimportant: the site coding is now validated HTML 4.01 Strict. Previously this was Transitional.
As always I'd be happy to hear (read) any remarks or suggestions. Enjoy the renewed site.
Note: there are also new additions to Landscapes and Stereo!
Yay, it's here! My latest acquisition: The Sigma 10mm F2.8 EX DC FISHEYE HSM. That's another mouthful, so just look at the first pictures in the Miscellaneous section.